Science is wonderful. I'm a science writer, and you'd expect me to say that, but it really is. And when the other day I read an interview with actor Mark Rylance where he spouted a stream of anti-science balderdash, I had to sigh deeply. But we do need to recognise that science also has its limitations - every now and then (for example when Stephen Hawking proclaimed that philosophy was dead because science had covered all its bases), scientists do overreach themselves, and I think the most common reason is when they forget that real world systems tend to be a lot more complex than the models that are used to understand them. I was reminded of this listening to Tim Harford's excellent Cautionary Tales podcast about the difficulties of attempting to control the weather or the climate. While there is no doubt that we can influence both, the systems are sufficiently complex that we have to be extremely wary of unintended consequences. I was a bit surprised that caution has ...