A full-blown murder mystery would overload a short story, but for some reason Christmas crime works well in short form, as witness the series of classic books that recently tailed off with Murder by Candlelight . It's refreshing to have a chunky new collection, some from high powered modern thriller writers - and the vast majority of the stories are well worth reading. I think it's fair to say that few come up to the really great classic Christmas mystery shorts, but I very much enjoyed, for example, C. L. Taylor's How to Commit Murder in a Bookshop - I think many published authors would quietly identify with the targeting of agents, publicists, marketing people and the like (leaving readers and booksellers safe). Russ Thomas gives us a dark old Christmas house scare with The Red Angel , and there's amusing murderous fluffiness in The Wrong Party . Some good twists too - for example in Samantha Hayes' dark Frostbite, while Sarah Hilary's Marley's Ghost gi...